CALGARY, AB: The Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association congratulates the Liberal Party of Canada on winning the federal election.
“We look forward to working with the Liberals in advancing the interests of prairie farmers,” said Levi Wood, President of the Wheat Growers.“The Liberal election platform contains several positive elements for Canadian agriculture.”
The Wheat Growers are especially pleased that Prime Minister-designate Trudeau has signalled his support for international trade, strongly suggesting that Canada will ratify the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement.
“Strengthening market access for Canadian grain and livestock producers is critically important for the farm economy,” said Wood.“The Liberal’s past support of trade agreements gives us every reason to be optimistic on the trade front.”
The Wheat Growers are also pleased to see positive comments by former Liberal agriculture critic Mr. Mark Eyking on several issues important to Canadian agriculture, including his support for improving grain transportation, UPOV ʼ91, voluntary GMO labelling and improvements to research, risk management and farm labour.
The Wheat Growers also wish to thank the Conservative government and in particular Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz for a significant record of achievement over the past decade.Key accomplishments include the gaining of marketing freedom for prairie farmers, the negotiation and implementation of several trade agreements, the modernization of plant breeders’ rights and removal of the “kernel visual distinguishability” (KVD) constraint in the development of new wheat varieties.
“The Conservative government undertook several measures that strengthened the long-term profitability and competitiveness of Canadian agriculture,” said Wood.“We look forward to the continuation of a science-based, trade-friendly agricultural policy under the new Liberal government.”
About the Wheat Growers:
Founded in 1970, the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association is a voluntary farmer-run advocacy organization dedicated to developing public policy solutions that strengthen the profitability and sustainability of farming, and the agricultural industry as a whole. For more information, please visit
For More Information Contact:
Levi Wood, President