Nobody likes surprises. Just coming off the last surprise with legislation around greenwashing, the newest is a cash-grab from the […]
CALGARY, AB: The Wheat Growers Association have asked each of the registered political parties in Saskatchewan a series of questions [...]
CALGARY, AB: Another week brings another potential strike, this time by the Grain Workers Union (GWU), which, after a recent [...]
CALGARY, AB: The Wheat Growers are pleased that the federal government has finally listened and invoked Sec. 107 of the [...]
CALGARY, AB: The Wheat Growers Association has spoken directly with the Minister of Labour on several occasions, only to be [...]
CALGARY, AB: The Wheat Growers Association is calling upon the Hon. Steven MacKinnon, Minster of Labour, to use all the [...]
CALGARY, AB: The Wheat Growers Association welcomes the Hon. Steven MacKinnon as the new Minister of Labour. We ask that [...]
CALGARY, AB: In recent days, the rumours have been verified: Cereals Canada wants to use farmers money to build a [...]
CALGARY, AB: The Wheat Growers Association is calling upon the Hon. Seamus O’Regan, Minister of Labour, to provide strong leadership [...]
CALGARY, AB: The Wheat Growers Association continues to urge the federal government to take immediate action to prevent a shutdown [...]
CALGARY, AB: The 2024 federal budget is woefully bloated with a deficit of $40 billion dollars and yet falls short [...]
CALGARY, AB: Once again, the federal government is moving forward with an increase in the carbon tax. Calculations indicate the [...]