CALGARY, AB: As we enter the half-way point of 2020, the Western Canadian Wheat Growers are relieved to support the implementation of the long awaited USMCA. Twenty-twenty has been a challenging year for many people, farmers and businesses, but agriculture can be the cornerstone of a rebuilt economy.
“Neighbours trading with neighbours, that’s what the USMCA is all about. There is a distinct competitive advantage to have access to a required market that is more than 13 times our domestic Canadian population,” said Cherilyn Jolly-Nagel, Saskatchewan Director.
The implementation of the USMCA will ensure free and open trade between Canada, the United States and Mexico. With a combined population of almost 500 million people and safe, secure and reliable road and rail systems crossing our land borders, the movement of all goods has never been easier. Not having a signed trade agreement would have had a drastic impact on consumers in all three countries.
Canada needs a stable growing export market for grains and oilseeds. We grow far more than we can consume domestically. The USMCA Agreement will also modernize several aspects of the previous NAFTA Agreement. Numerous things changed during the 26 years of the earlier trade deal. The USMCA will specifically address changes to biotechnology as well as implement reciprocal grain grading between Canada and the US.
“The renegotiation process of this important trade agreement, felt like a three year rollercoaster ride. The final ratification on Canada’s birthday gives farmers something to celebrate.” closed Jolly-Nagel.
About the Wheat Growers:
Celebrating it’s 50th Anniversary in 2020, the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association is a voluntary farmer-run advocacy organization dedicated to developing public policy solutions that strengthen the profitability and sustainability of farming, and the agricultural industry as a whole. The 50th anniversary book, “Warriors For Wheat” is available to purchase online.
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For More Information Contact:
Dave Quist, Executive Director