CALGARY, AB: The Western Canadian Wheat Growers call for continued consultation around the issue of Seed Value Creation. Throughout the regional meetings being held across the prairies, Wheat Grower Directors have actively contributed to the discussions.
“The challenge is that public breeding costs are not being covered. It is treated as a subsidized public good. To effectively move forward, we support increased funding from a variety of sources, such as government, public and private breeders and farmers,” said Gunter Jochum, Manitoba Director.
Many countries around the world have private seed breeding programs ranging from UK wheat at 100%, France at 85%, Australia at 80 – 90% and the United States at 50%. Possible resolutions include an increased check off, an increase in the tax payers’ contribution, an increase in the price of certified seed, a trailing royalty program, an end point royalty (EPR) program or combination of some of the above options.
The Wheat Growers will continue to participate in consultations to find an optimal “Made In Canada” solution. Together we can find a solution that works in the best interest of all parties.
“The status quo is not a solution and puts farmers in a precarious position. To rely on taxpayers for 70% of the funding leaves Canada in an uncompetitive position versus countries with significant breeding investment,” continued Daryl Fransoo, Saskatchewan Director.
About the Wheat Growers:
Founded in 1970, the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association is a voluntary farmer-run advocacy organization dedicated to developing public policy solutions that strengthen the profitability and sustainability of farming, and the agricultural industry as a whole. For more information, please visit
For More Information Contact:
Gunter Jochum, MB Director
Daryl Fransoo, SK Director