Western Canadian Wheat Growers’ Partnership Exemplifies UPL’s OpenAg Mission
In 2022, growers saw the third largest Canadian wheat harvest on record. And according to projections, 2023 will be another high yielding year for wheat in Canada.
As the industry continues to grow while facing various challenges, how does the Western Canadian Wheat Growers’ (WCWG) Association assist farmers in meeting their annual goals? Part of the answer lies in our partnerships.
UPL and WCWG joining forces in 2020 felt like a natural fit. Like WCWG, the UPL team is dedicated to strengthening the profitability and sustainability of agriculture. UPL, a global provider of sustainable agricultural solutions, offers growers a robust wheat portfolio consisting of fungicides, biologicals, insecticides and seed treatments.
“Our OpenAg® mission is about collaborating with growers and key stakeholders in the industry – like Western Canada Wheat Growers’ Association,” said UPL Canada Marketing Manager Tony Dalgliesh. “These partnerships afford us the ability to provide solutions we know will meet grower needs every step of the way. Working together allows us to collectively strengthen global food supply chains, aid growers in their everyday challenges and reimagine sustainability in the industry.”
UPL showcases their forward-thinking mindset through their OpenAg Center in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. The centre is a globally facing R&D hub where scientists come together to advance biological, chemical and digital technologies to solve concerns and reduce our environmental footprint. The state-of-the-art laboratory at the centre keeps them one step ahead of pest, disease and environmental concerns — great minds coming together for a great cause.
“As our organization grows and develops, we’re really looking at ag as the catalyst for the entire food chain,” said UPL Head of Canada Trent McCrea. “UPL is excited to be a company that’s connected and collaborating with others all the way through those value chains. These choices create opportunities for farmers that then deliver more value to their operation at the end of the day. It’s a big vision. But it’s important to have a vision that’s bigger than the immediate future, really thinking about 20, 30, 50 years down the road.”
UPL and WCWG are eager to see how this partnership continues to unfold, especially as we create awareness about issues that affect wheat growers and follow that up with demonstrations of how UPL can assist with such concerns. We’re striving to help wheat growers in any way we can.
For more information about the many ways UPL can help your operation this year, visit their website or find a UPL rep in your area.